Code of Conduct Policy

Ethical behavior and conduct are foundational to a successful academic career at Quarantine Racism Educational Services. The students, faculty, and staff must commit themselves to the highest standards of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility.  Therefore, any deviation from these standards is a breach of the Student Code of Conduct. Furthermore, violation of ethical standards can lead to disciplinary actions.

Students and/or prospective students are responsible to know and comply with the Student Code of Conduct, and other Academic and Student Affairs policies of Quarantine Racism Educational Services. In addition, students are expected to demonstrate honesty and integrity with faculty, staff, and other students throughout all interactions online and/or at sanctioned events, and are expected to meet these standards:

  • Exhibit conduct appropriate to a learning environment and to respect the rights, dignity, and worth of every individual in the Quarantine Racism Educational Services Community.
  • Be honest and to be considerate.
  • Maintain acceptable standards of academic performance.
  • Show appropriate concern for one’s own personal development.
  • Be a responsible member of the Quarantine Racism Educational Services Community and to always accept responsibility for one’s own behavior.
  • Comply with Quarantine Racism Educational Services policies and regulations as well as local, state, and federal law.

Students are prohibited from engaging in conduct that includes, but is not limited to:

  • Violation of the Academic Integrity Policy
  • Disrespect of university personnel
  • Inappropriate content posted to discussion boards and other Quarantine Racism Educational Services/social media platforms including but not limited to, harassment, prejudice, stalking, offensive language, threats, abuse, insults, or humiliation. No demeaning comments will be tolerated, including, but not limited to, comments on religion, race, age, sexual orientation, and unwanted sexual advances or intimidations.
  • Breaches of privacy, hacking passwords or systems, distribution or copying of copyrighted material, plagiarism, unauthorized distribution of instructional materials to other users, use of illegal or unlicensed software.
  • Intentional breach of Quarantine Racism Educational Services policy or procedures.
  • Reproduction of Quarantine Racism Educational Services materials to include course content, assessments, or other materials deemed to be the property of the Quarantine Racism Educational Services.
  • Using and/or purchasing work that is not his/her own.
  • Disruptive behavior that hinders or interferes with the educational process.
  • Harassment or intimidation that has the effect of creating an offensive educational environment for any student, faculty, or staff member.
  • Conduct that is disorderly, lewd, lascivious, indecent or otherwise inappropriate » Violation of any local, state, or federal law.
  • Displaying harmful or threatening behavior towards students, faculty, or other university personnel.

Online Student Code of Conduct Violation


When an alleged violation has occurred, faculty/staff members will work with the student to resolve matters informally. If no agreement can be reached, the faculty/staff member will bring the matter to the Quarantine Racism Educational Services immediately. While an alleged violation is being investigated, interim action may be initiated including, but not limited to removal from course, university-sanctioned events, and other functions, and/or receive a no contact order.

In those instances where Quarantine Racism Educational Services determines the conduct does not warrant a specific violation, Quarantine Racism Educational Services may choose to issue a warning.

In the event of a threat or imminent harm, Quarantine Racism Educational Services reserves the right to take immediate action prior to the investigation in accordance with sanctions outlined therein.

Notification and Response

A student accused of violating the Student Code of Conduct will be notified by the Quarantine Racism Educational Services of the specific violation in writing. Students shall be given ten business days to submit a written response to the designated official indicating responsibility for the accused offense or denying the violation. Failure of a student to respond to the official letter constitutes a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and may result in additional sanctions by the Quarantine Racism Educational Services up to and including dismissal from the Quarantine Racism Educational Services. A student denying the violation(s) will follow the below process.

Review of Response

Reviews shall be conducted according to the following guidelines:

  • Quarantine Racism Educational Services will be designated to review the response.
  • If the student has additional documentation to substantiate their denial of the violation, it should be submitted to the designated university official at this time.
  • The determination of the misconduct shall be made on the basis of whether it is more likely than not that the student violated the Student Code of Conduct.
  • The evidence in support of the accusations shall be presented, considered, and a decision rendered.


  • Quarantine Racism Educational Services will communicate the findings in writing to the student, and faculty member when appropriate.
  • In accordance with the requirements under the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA), upon written request, Quarantine Racism Educational Services will disclose to an alleged victim of a crime of violence, or a non-forcible sex offense, the results of any disciplinary review conducted by the institution against the student who is the alleged perpetrator of the crime or offense.
  • In accordance with the requirements under HEOA, in cases of an alleged sex offense, both the accuser and the accused will be informed of the determination involving an alleged sex offense, including any imposed sanction(s).
  • A summary report containing findings of fact, decision, and sanctions, will be placed in the student’s file.


Disciplinary sanctions shall be based upon the seriousness of the violation(s) and may include, but is not limited to, warning, probation, loss of academic credit, suspension, and conduct dismissal.

Student Appeal

Students that are found to be in violation of the Student Code of Conduct after receiving a warning or decision have the right to appeal within five business days. These students should contact Quarantine Racism Educational Services. The appeal should include justification of why the decision rendered should be overturned, as well as corresponding documentation that will support their request. The appeal decision from Quarantine Racism Educational Services is final and shall be communicated directly to the student, and faculty member when appropriate.

Online Student Code of Conduct Violation Process · Student issue occurs.

  • Faculty members attempt to resolve issue informally.
  • If not resolved, faculty member will reach out to the Quarantine Racism Educational Services.
  • Quarantine Racism Educational Services will investigate the alleged violation.
  • Student will be contacted with the results.
  • Student can appeal in writing within five days.